Thursday 27 May 2010

My (limited) career

In my opinion, sociology is basically an interpretative discipline. With this I mean that the task of sociology, as a reflexive way of knowledge, is to “understand the reason behind”, the hidden sense that is expressed in the social phenomena. Because of that the main skill of a sociologist, following my point of view is “to see beyond the appearances”, to, from the empirical events occurred in the society, find sources of domination, inequality, idiosyncrasy, etc. Sociology has developed many theories and to analyze and apply them correctly and honestly (recognizing the purposes searched by the investigations) is also an obligatory skill. Besides this, sociology is nourished by different “sciences”, which grant the data and some theoretical elements to sociology for it to increase its capacity of explain the sense of social phenomena. For this reason, a good sociologist has to have clear notions of economy, political sciences, history, statistics, psychology, “massmediology”, etc. None of these skills are inborn, all can be learnt, even the capacity of investigate or the ability to make rapport with the people.
Sadly the career of sociology in Universidad de Chile has a different conception of what the sociology task is. Even though they believe, like me, that sociology must has a basic teaching in diverse disciplines, is its interpretive character the point they don’t consider as central. Instead of that, for them sociology must search the predictability more than the “verstehen”, the understanding. Because of that there are many courses of statistic, quantitative methodologies and ramifications of sociology with a positivist standard point of view, like public policies. On the other hand, interpretive areas related with sociology like psychoanalysis, theory of ideology, qualitative methodologies are in disadvantage.

For all this reasons, I think that my career gives me the right tools to be inserted in the “sociology’s labor market”, but it denies the direct possibility of being a change actor... the possibility of learn, understand and act "in agreement" with the exploited.


  1. you have a really good point of view Horrendo! i think i agree with you, mostly in that here sociology must search the predictability more than the “verstehen”, the understanding... an tah sucks!

  2. I agree with you that most of the skills could be develop by the learning, at lease the skills that you named and the most skills that you learn in the university.

  3. The role of your career is very important because permit to the people to see the real face of the society...but I don't understand and I don't know which is the field, areas or jobs where you can work in the future with this title...

    is a big doubt for me...

  4. I see Bourdieu's influence in your opinion... It is lamentable that at this point, when the positivism already is expired, continue with this position...

    I agree very with you with regard to whom no knowledge is innate, and everything is learned....


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  10. Hi, I like this: “understand the reason behind”, because it's necessary for change.
    Bye, beatiful blog.

  11. I think sociology after all does have some importance to the world, it is for me a medium to keep all other subjects such as politics and law understand each other's view better, afterall it's the society who is the user of these two!
