Thursday 6 May 2010

Pierre Bourdieu

P. Bourdieu is a French sociologist, born in Argelia in 1930, who has developed a theory capable of being applied on several social phenomena, like politics, culture, economy and others related with them (culture: sciences, media, religion, etc; politics: politic positions, democracy, etc; economy: social classes, exchange, etc). He has a lot of publications, but the capital ones are The practical sense and The distinction. In each one of his works, Bourdieu apply the same scheme that makes him a absolute reference for the sociology field (especially for the culture or symbolic sociology): the social fact and the behavior of the people are directly related neither to an omnipresent structure nor to the free will of agents, but to a “mixture of both of them”; the correct concepts to explain the social phenomena are “field” and “habitus”… people act on fields (of any of the aspects of society) with specific inner rules that people “respect” but, on the other hand, the habitus, the “biography” (in very simple words) merge with the rules of the field: both elements “touch” each other, developing the social phenomena as it express. In short, he searches for a way to eliminate the classical sociologist dichotomy between structure and individual action. Which is very useful to learn about ”social things” that appear to be strange, irrational, but, if they’re “correctly seen”, indeed appear to be reasonable.
Pierre Bourdieu dies reciently, in Paris, in January 23th of 2002, victim of cancer.


  1. Do you give kids to Bourdieu? jaja! naa... i really have good expectations with this author... i´ll see hem this semester in theory III, so i hope hi´ll be as nice as you make him appear!

  2. Bourdieu was a great sociologist! I like very much "The Distinction", and the idea of field and habitus applies very well when you do empirical research. But, maybe thinks in society like a juxtaposition of fields, is a little difficult to me. I feel that with fields and habitus, there is no way out!!!

  3. hi daniel
    very interesting. I had only heard about agent and structure so this is kind of cool and complex.

  4. I don´t know very much about this author, I only read that is a great sociologist and some things about his work, but i didn´t know all the things that you wrote. Great choice!!

  5. I like him! As weell, he contributed important information about education.

