Thursday 13 May 2010


From the few destinations that I have been my favorite place is a lovely town called Valdivia. It is located in the fourteenth region “de los Ríos”, next to several rivers (that indeed is only one river that is named differently in different zones of the city). My first visit was in 2008; I went alone and stayed there for a week, by myself (sleeping in hostels along the city). Travelling alone is very different than a tour with family or a trip with friends. I spend most of the time just walking hearin’ music, watching nature, visiting the woods (like the “Jardín Botánico”) and eating the great local food. The best part was when I took a ride to an island near to the downtown named Mancera. In that island there is a lot of viewpoints where you can see how the rivers encounter with the sea, is a really beautiful image. You just can make it to Mancera from the dock of Niebla. That zone of Valdivia, besides Corral and Mancera, has a collection of castles named “fuertes”, historical places that relate the history of Valdivia as a important port when Chile was a colony of the Spanish crown. History and nature are the main attractions of this lovely city. If you go there don’t miss drinkin' a beer in the Kunstmann restaurant! They’re the best of the best!


  1. I agree that travelling alone is very different. I love that area. It's got a lot of character and the people are special

  2. Valdivia rules! i've been there at the Kunstmann's restaurant and it's awesome! I asee the castles too, and eat in the "feria costumbrista" it was great!

  3. You went alone to Valdivia? Must be a long trip, I don´t know if I will do it alone!
    I will love to go! And visit the Kunstmann restaurant of course! It´s a great beer, Torobayo rules!
